Friday, February 12, 2021

RBWCA Minutes 10-7-20

MINUTES for meeting 10-7-20 Call to Order via Zoom: 6:31 Present: Tim Hauert, President; Jeff Souligne; Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President; Colleen Wepprecht, Jim Muhlstadt, Treasurer; Benay McCue; Christy Strole, Secretary; Becky Sikes, homeowner Minutes of 9-2-20: Benay moved, Jim seconded, minutes were approved. Treasurer’s report September: Christy moved, Jeff seconded, report was approved. Public Comments: Becky Sikes joined us to hear about Hallowe’en. Participation is at homeowners’ discretion. CDC has guidelines for social distancing. Kids can’t be expected to use judgment so it’s up to each homeowner to keep us safe by making sure people stay six feet apart and wear masks. Don’t let kids reach into a bowl of candy, lay it out in individual bags so they can take it off a table, don’t let them congregate at the door, etc. We’ll probably go along with Herscher (4:30 – 7:00) or Kankakee (5:00 – 7:00) since Limestone hasn’t declared hours yet. October 31st is a Saturday. Christy will send out an email to all homeowners summarizing this information. Closed session: Old Business: Lot 66: Drainage tile has been removed from culvert! Mr. Fiets took care of this when he ran a sump pump drain into that tile, cutting it off from Scanlon’s house and taking it out of our culvert. This issue is closed. Income Taxes were paid! Christy moved, Colleen seconded that we pay Geoffrey Johns $325 for their work. New Business: Houses missing lamp posts: About six houses didn’t have lampposts lit when Tim drove around to check. Christy will add to the email that lampposts are required to be lit. Dumping yard waste on river bank: Tim will talk to the owners of Lots 87 and 92, who have been dumping their grass clippings on the river bank. Benay has pictures of the truck and the piles along the river. Department of Natural Resources outlaws this. We have dealt with this before, when we burned an accumulating brush pile and put up a No Dumping sign in 2013. There is also a bush pile in our detention pond. Years ago Deb Turner burned that pile and got yelled at by homeowners. Let’s deal with that next month. Lot 8: Signs are not allowed: Owner of Lot 8 has a sign that says “Trump 2020: No More Bullshit” and one that says “Pritzker Sucks”. Our covenants disallow signs except those that say “For Sale.” But one year we tried to disallow signs and were told we can’t disallow them during an election. In the general email, Christy will add a quote from the covenants that deals with signs. Adjourn: Andrea moved, Benay seconded, meeting was adjourned. Time: 7:03 Approved: 11-4-20

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