Friday, February 12, 2021

RBWCA Minutes 1-6-21

MINUTES for meeting 1-6-21 Call to Order via Zoom: 6:35 Present: Tim Hauert, President, Jeff Souligne, Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President, Jim Muhlstadt, Treasurer, Benay McCue Christy Strole, Secretary Minutes of 11-4-20 approval: Benay moved, Jeff seconded, minutes were approved as read. (There was no December 2020 meeting) Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved we approve the October, November and December treasurer’s reports, Andrea seconded, motion carried. Public Comments: No other homeowners attended Closed session: We went into closed session at 6:35, then decided maybe this is not necessary since we’re not discussing anything potentially embarrassing, and came out of closed session at 6:40. Do we have to come out of closed session to vote? Maybe our minutes should not even mention the lot number of the homeowners? Christy will look that up. Old Business: Income taxes will need to be done again by April. Christy moved, Benay seconded a motion that Jim do our income taxes on Turbo Tax instead of paying the accountant. Motion carried. We never did get a new bank account: is it too late? Christy will call Herscher State Bank and see if we can get an appointment for Wednesday the 13th. Does everyone have a lamppost that works now? Tim has not checked at night recently, but he will. We believe everyone has a lamppost; they just might not work. Years ago, we made people put up lampposts on all the houses that were standing at that time. Benay called the county and got us a lamppost on the river lot at the intersection of 113 and Valley View Drive! Is Dufrain’s billing issue solved? Yes: Jim took care of it. There was an overpayment but we’re even now. New Business: Election of board members to be held next month at the Annual Meeting in February: Tim, Jeff and Christy have their terms ending in February. Colleen took over for Lisa Meyer, Benay took over for Heather Gill. So Andrea, Jim, Benay and Colleen will be up for reelection in February 2022. Dues notice to be sent out with invitation to February meeting with a reminder: “Annual dues of $75 are due by April 1. On April 2, a $25 late fee will be assessed if dues are not received. An additional $1/day will be added until the dues are paid in full, up to a maximum of $250 for 2021 dues.” Our covenants specify that the annual dues are due April 1st. We don’t have email addresses for Belva Stelk, Al Baker, Kirk Anderson, Jeff & Kathleen Downey, Chris & Allison Holm, Drew & Joclyn Lergner, Kathleen Call, Daniel Glaves & Skylar Dionne, and Bob Siawrys. Benay will check on Bob Siawrys but he has had some medical issues. So we’ll continue to send postcards to these people each month notifying them of the regular meetings. Jim spent $85 on certified postage and stamps, Benay proposed and Christy seconded a motion to pay him. Motion carried. Christy spent $100.18 on postcards and postcard stamps. Jim proposed and Andrea seconded a motion to pay her. Motion carried. Let’s get bids in March this year: April was too late last year. Our Zoom ended abruptly 40 minutes after it started. We reconvened to finish our discussion. Adjourn: Benay moved, Christy seconded, motion to adjourn carried Time: 7:25 Approved: 2-3-21

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