Monday, June 6, 2016

Minutes 4-6-16

CALL TO ORDER  6:30 pm by President Steve Devine   Board members present Vice President Dave Baron, Secretary/Treasurer Debbie Turner, Andrea Cinnamon, Lisa Meyer, and Jim Muhlstadt. One homeowner was present.
SECRETARY’S REPORT Read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Dave, seconded by Lisa and all others agreed.
TREASUERER’S REPORT Read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Dave, seconded by Andrea and all others agreed.
OLD BUSINESS 36 ballots have been turned in and 28 are needed for a quorum. Jim Mulstadt is new to the board and Andrea, Betsy and Steve were re-elected, all for two year terms.  There were about 30 kids at the Easter egg hunt. They all had a blast. 70 people have paid their dues so far.
NEW BUSINESS Next year the annual meeting will be on a Wednesday night to make it easier on the board and since there was only one home owner present at the Saturday morning meeting. Dave made a motion for this, Steve seconded and all others agreed. Steve will talk to Cindy Martin about helping out with some summer activities. Debbie will check with Betsy about the concert info. The house on River Bend Dr sold that has been vacant for a year. Debbie will get the new information. Dave will call and get some estimates for tree removal for the dead ash trees in the subdivision. This would just be as a courtesy to homeowners as they would all be responsible for taking care of their own trees. We will decide next month on garage sales, garbage can letter and if we want to set a date for tree removal to be done by. Elections were held for officers. It was decided that we would all keep our same positions. Dave nominated Steve for president, Debbie seconded and all others agreed. Steve nominated Dave for vice president, Debbie seconded and all others agreed. Dave nominated Debbie for Secretary/treasurer, Andrea seconded and all others agreed.

ADJOURNED At 6:55 pm by Steve.

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