Friday, January 2, 2015

Minutes 11-5-14


CALL TO ORDER    6:30 PM BY Steve Devine
Board members present:  Steve Devine, Dave Baron, Debbie Turner, Andrea Cinnamon, Bob West
SECRETARY’S REPORT- Debbie forgot to print so will do Oct and Nov next month.
TREASURER’S REPORT- Read by Debbie with motion to approve by Dave, seconded by Bob and all others agreed.
OLD BUSINESS: There are about 12 email consents left after multiple attempts to get them by going door to door. Steve has talked to Melissa at Aqua and they have set up an informational open house to be held at the fire station on November 19 from 5 to 7 pm. Debbie will send out the email to all River Bend residents.  Dave will talk to Herscher State Bank to have it put on the sign and Steve will talk to Sandy Girard to have it put on the township sign. Andrea will call the Herscher Pilot. Steve Schultz will try to put it on the fire station sign. The lights and fence project will be put on hold as there is no extra money right now. Deb will follow up with the attorney about the covenants and by laws being recorded and ask about a bill before the end of the year.
NEW BUSINESS: Dave made a motion and Bob seconded to pay Debbie $25 for the gift card for Sherry Parks for notarizing at our last meeting. All others agreed. Hazelriggs fence was approved by email last month as it is within the covenants specifications.  Debbie had to order checks for $20 from the bank. Steve made a motion to pay JPH Lawncare $410 and Andrea seconded and all others agreed. 

ADJOURN at 6:50 pm with a motion by Dave and seconded by Steve and all others agreed.

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