Friday, January 2, 2015

Minutes 10-1-14

6:20 PM Sherry Parks was here to notarize the covenants and by laws with the board. Debbie will get her a small thank you gift.
Call to order at 6:30 pm by Steve Devine
Secretary’s report read by Debbie for August with motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Darren and all others agreed. September read by Debbie with motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Steve and all others agreed.
Treasurer’s report read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Betsy and all others agreed.
Old Business: Motion by Andrea to pay Debbie $6.49 for certified letter and seconded by Dave and all others agreed. There are just a few email consent signatures left to get and hopefully will have done by next month. Six homeowners present to discuss water bills. All the email responses were brought in and reviewed.  There is a lot of discrepancy in the meters and the readings.  Debbie was told to check her meter on Oct 14 when Aqua reads them and match them up. We were told by a homeowner that if each home really used 20,000 gallons of water per month- our yards would flood as the septic cannot handle that much water.  We feel people should get refunds if they overpaid. Our fire and infrastructure amounts are high and vary per household and we are not sure why. It was also brought up that each meter that has an irrigation system will have to be inspected that will be $100 per year but no one knows for sure. We will hold off on talking to Yurgine as he could have a conflict of interest with our complaints. We want the meters calibrated and be sure the reading we get are the same as the reader gets. Complaints could also be filed with the BBB and CUB. We can get plumbing info on the IDPH website bout rules and regulations for size of meters etc. Steve talked to Melissa Kahoun at Aqua but was not able to get anything resolved on his own water issues. Her contact info is 815-614-2032 and .  We will try to get bills from people outside our area for Aqua. Some people have paid over $1300 to Aqua in less than a year and we were originally told our bills would be about $40/ month.
New Business: Debbie will follow up with Ann Brezinski on the Aqua situation to see about a possible injunction. Dave made the motion and Andrea seconded and all others agreed. Motion by Bob and seconded by Steve to pay Tholens $15,000 for the work done at river and signs. This is the money from Shell. If there is leftover money this year we will check on putting lights on signs and split rail fence. Insurance for the board lapsed due to an email error so the new bill will be mailed. They did bridge us so we are covered in the interim.  It was brought up that LED lights would be cheaper at the 113 sign.  We will check into this. 

 At 7:20 pm Dave made a motion to go into closed session to talk about the one outstanding dues. Andrea seconded and all others agreed.  We decided to not take action until next year if they do not pay as it would cost more to file a lien than what they owe. Motion to adjourn at 7:30pm by Dave and seconded by Steve and all others agreed.

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