Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Minutes 9-2-15


CALLED TO ORDER at 6:30 pm by Steve Devine. Board members present were Steve Devine, Dave Baron, Debbie Turner, Andrea Cinnamon, and Lisa Meyer. Two homeowners also present.
SECRETARY’S REPORT was read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Dave, seconded by Steve and all others agreed.
TREASURER’S REPORT was read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Steve and all others agreed.
OLD BUSINESS The mission statement will be emailed to all board members to review and revise for next meeting. Heatwave mowed the steps by the river and will update the billing. The bill for the month was not received before the meeting so a motion was made by Dave and seconded by Steve for Debbie to pay the bill when it arrives. Dave will ask Don Burk if he is interested in being on the board. Bonfire will be discussed next month.
NEW BUSINESS The letter to be given to new residents will be emailed again to the board as some did not receive the attachment. Letters will go out to 2 homeowners who still have garbage cans in front of their homes. Dave will update the homeowner list. Dave made a motion to pay Debbie $30.78 for an ink cartridge. Steve seconded and all others agreed. It was brought up that a better place to have a bonfire/concert/movie would be in the retention pond in Sunset Turn. A fence for new homeowners at 2340 Sunset View Lane was approved as it is in compliance with the covenants. A letter will go to the homeowners on River Bend Dr if the trailer is not gone this week end.

ADJOURNED at 6:55 pm with a motion by Dave and seconded by Lisa and all others agreed.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Minutes 1-14-15

No business was transacted as there was not a quorum.
This meeting was rescheduled from January 7, 2015 as the library was closed due to extreme cold weather. Only three board members were present so there was not a quorum to vote on business. We only discussed matters and will do a phone vote later tonight. There were 2 bills that need to be paid by the end of the month.  Debbie Turner, Steve Devine and Dave Baron were present and agreed to pay the bills and Debbie will contact the other board members to get their approval.  (JPH Lawncare $680 and Ann Brezinski $ 369)   The covenants and bylaws are back from the recorder’s office and Debbie will get copies made for all homeowners after checking prices and making sure there is enough money. If there is not enough, the copies will have to be made after annual dues are paid.  Second letters will go out to those with garbage cans still on the side or front of their house with reference made to the covenants that the homeowner will be liable for all fees associated with correcting the problem. Debbie will get the taxed done for 2014. (Phyllis McDowell 815-935-8780) The tentative date for the annual meeting will be Feb 21, 2015 at 10:15 if ok with the rest of the board and the library is available. Debbie will fill out the paperwork for the library for monthly meetings and the annual meeting.

January 15, 2015 Bob West, Darren Johnson, Andrea Cinnamon, and Betsy Benoit all agree to the above. The library approved the dates also.

Minutes 12-3-14

Called to order at 6:30 pm by Steve Devine.
Secretary’s report was read by Debbie. Bob motioned to approve October with a second by Dave and all others agreed. Steve made a motion to approve November with a second by Betsy and all others agreed.
Treasurer’s report was read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Andrea. All others agreed.
Old Business: There are just a few email consents left and Debbie mailed them with return envelopes. The attorney will get us the recorded copies back form the court house. Water bills were discussed but nothing new was decided. Usage has come down but everyone is still upset about the basic fees.
New Business: a homeowners complained about garbage cans being left out. Debbie will send letters to everyone that has their garbage cans on the side of their house as the covenants say they must be behind the house. Debbie will buy the replacement bulb that is out at the 113 sign. There are two houses with trailers so letters will be sent to them also as there was a complaint. Dave made a motion to pay the incorporation fee of $10, Andrea seconded and all others agreed. There is nothing to do about the letter that everyone received about the electric company third party provider.

Adjourned at 7pm with a motion by Dave and seconded by Debbie and all others agreed.

Treasurer's Report 2-21-15

1-4-13    #1178 post office                         $79           $20273.72

1-14-13   EFT Com Ed                              $45.35      $20228.37

1-16-13   Deposit                                        $530        $20758.37

1-25-13   Deposit                                        $87          $20845.37

2-8-13    #1179 Debbie ink                         $13.80      $20831.57

2-14-13   EFT Com Ed                               $44.08      $20787.49

2-14-13   #1180  Ann Brezinski                 $175.00    $20612.49

2-20-13   #1181   Debbie                            $50.30      $20562.19

3-15-13   EFT Com Ed                               $40.33      $20521.86

3-15-13   #1182 Taxes                                $35           $20486.86

3-15-13   #1183 stamps envelopes             $101.40    $20385.46

3-22-13   Deposit                                        $4500      $24885.46

4-2-13     Deposit                                        $2400      $27285.46

                VOID #1184

4-8-13     #1185 Debbie   ink                      $51.99     $27233.47

4-13-13  EFT  Com Ed                               $30.84     $27202.63

4-13-13   Deposit                                        $600        $27802.63

4-19-13   Deposit                                        $375        $28177.63

4-22-13  #1186 Adcraft                              $183.87   $27993.76

4-26-13   Deposit                                        $150        $28143.76

4-26-13  #1187   Tholens                            $140.21   $28003.55

4-29-13   refund tholens                               $140.21  $28143.76

4-29-13  Deposit                                           $75         $28218.76

5-2-13  #1188  deb stamps                       $9.20       $28209.56

5-2-13   #1189   Jim Horchem  mowing   $4985     $23224.56

5-2-13   #1190   Auto Owners                   $571       $22653.56

5-3-13   Deposit                                          $75        $22728.56

5-6-13    EFT COM ED                             $31.25   $22697.31

5-30-13  DEPOSIT                                     $75        $22772.31

6-6-13  #1191 Ann Brezinski                     $367.50  $22404.81

6-6-13  #1192    Taxes                                $50.30    $22354.51

6-6-13   EFT Com Ed                                  $30.34   $22324.17

6-15-13  #1193 Deb  bush                           $27.61   $22296.56

7-6-13  #1194 Andrea Journal                      $47.06   $22249.50

7-6-13 EFT Com Ed                                    $29.99    $22219.51

7-15-13  #1195 stamps                                 $55.20   $22164.31

7-19-13   DEPOSIT                                      $75.00    $22239.31

8-15-13  EFT Com Ed                                  $28.56    $22210.75

8-15-13 Deb bulb #1196                               $92.19   $22118.56 

9-13-13  EFT Com Ed                                  $30.93   $22087.63

9-11-13  1197 Deb bulb                                $40        $22047.63

10-3-13  deposit                                             $24       $22071.63

10-3-13   #1198  Steve Devine                      $269.09$21802.54

10-3-13   #1199  Datweiler                            $1010   $20792.54

10-15-13  EFT Com Ed                                 $32.21   $20760.33

11-11-13  Clean Cut                                      $2350    $18410.33

11-14-13   Com Ed                                         $35.89  $18374.44

12-8-13   Sec of State                                      $10       $18364.44

12-13-13 EFT Com Ed                                   $35.36              $18329.08     

1-13-14  EFT Com Ed                                    $39.76  $18289.32                 

1-15-14   Stamps                                             $138   $18151.32      

2-8-14    Debbie –supplies                              $30     $18121.32      

2-14-14  Com Ed                                            $ 38.46  $18082.86

2-15-14  JP Horchem- mowing                      $3425.00  $14657.86  

3-19-14  Com Ed EFT                                    $34.83    $14623.03               

3-10-14  taxes                                                 $35.00    $14588.03

3-26-14  Deposit dues                                     $1050
                                                                         $1200  $18863.03

4-4-14 Deposit                                                 $1050
                                                                         $375   $21338.03

4-17-14 EFT Com Ed                                      $35.71  $21302.32

4-25-14 Deposit dues                                       $825      $22127.32

5-7-14 Deposit dues                                         $150       $22277.32 

5-9-14  Deposit dues                                        $150      $22427.32

5-9-14  EFT Com Ed                                       $33.87  $22393.45

5-10-14 #1206 Ann Brezinski                         $700     $21693.45

5-10-14  #1207  Auto Owners                         $621     $21072.45

6-5-14  Deb- supplies   #1208                          $18       $21054.45

6-5-14  Taxes  #1209                                        $52.50   $21001.95
6-10-14  EFT Com Ed                                     $33.14   $20968.81

6-13-14 Deposit                                                $75       $21043.81

6-13-14  1210 stamps                                       $49       $20994.81

6-24-14   deposit                                               $75       $21069.81

7-3-17 Deb Staples #1211                                 $33.79  $21036.02

7-10-14 EFT Com Ed                                      $33.51    $21002.51

7-11-14  Deposit                                                $75        $21077.51

7-21-14  Deposit                                                $75        $21152.51

8-6-14 Andrea for ad  #1212                             $43        $21109.51

8-6-14   Horchem mowing  #1213                    $1630    $19479.51

8-15-14 Com Ed EFT                                        $33.42   $19446.09  

9-12-14  Com Ed EFT                                       $34.24   $19411.85

9-12-14   Horchem  #1214                                $410       $19001.85

10-2-14  Deb #1215  postage                            $6.49      $18995.36

10-9-14  Tholens  #1216                                    $15000.00 $3995.36

10-9-14   JPH lawncare  #1217                         $410         $3585.36

10-9-14   Datweiler ins  #1218                          $1297        $2288.36

10-9-14   EFT checks                                        $20            $2268.36

10-15-14  EFT  Com Ed                                    $37.05       $2231.31
11-13-14  EFT Com Ed                                     $37.22       $2194.09

11-13-14  #1219 Deb                                          $25           $2169.09

11-13-14  #1220   JPH Lawncare                       $410          $1759.09          

12-15-14 EFT Com Ed                                       $30.88       $1728.21

12-15-14  Sec of State #1221                                 $10            $1718.21

12-15-14   Ace #1222  lightbulb                            $41.43         $1676.78

12-15-14   USPS   #1223   STAMPS                     $19.60         $1657.18                                        
1-10-15     EFT COM ED                                     $42.84         $1614.33

1-12-15    #1224   JIM HORCHEM                   $680.00         $934.33

1-12-15    #1225   Ann Brezinski                       $369.00         $565.33

2-16-15  EFT Com Ed                                         $40.65          $524.68

2-23-15  #1226  Debbie  copying                        $26.30          $498.38

2-26-15  Deposit   dues                                        $225.00        $723.38

3-18-18  EFT COM ED                                       $37.66          $685.72

3-23-15  Deposit dues                                         $1200            $1885.72

                                                                             $975             $2860.72

4-2-15   Deposit  dues                                         $1500           $4360.72
                                                                            $600             $4960.72

4-17-15 Com Ed EFT                                          $42.89