Monday, July 21, 2014

Minutes 4-2-14

River Bend West Community Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting was held on April 2, 2014 at the Limestone Library at 6:30pm.

Called to order at 6:30pm by Andrea with second by Debbie and all others agreed.
Board members present were Andrea Cinnamon, Debbie Turner, Dave Baron, Bob West, Darren Johnson, and Elizabeth Benoit.  One homeowner was present.
Secretary’s report read by Debbie with motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Bob and all others agreed.
Treasurer’s report read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Andrea and all others agreed.
Old Business: The covenants email from the attorney were reviewed.  Debbie will forward the email to each board member.  We will find out if there is an electronic version to make the changes that would then go out to the homeowners for approval. Debbie will also check if Christy could type them if needed.  We would like to first vote on the email section so then the entire document could be emailed for review by each homeowner. 
New Business:  Debbie will call Tholens to let them know we want the work to be done this year but we do not want all the trees that are on the plan so we can keep it at the dollar amount that was given to us by Shell.  We will not have an Easter egg hunt.  Jim Horchem will continue to do the mowing but will need to get us a new insurance form and we need a bill by December 1.  Debbie will check on Paypal for online dues payment for next year.  There are about 30 people left to pay their dues.  Aqua prices were brought up at the last meeting and Debbie looked in to the fees.  There is a set expense for each area (such as Limestone or Bourbonnais) and that amount is equally divided by all homes services.  There are more homes in Bourbonnais so their fee is lower than ours.  Debbie will check on adding legal words at the end of the emails so people will not send out a mass reply for personal or political reasons or give our email addresses to others. 
Steve Devine was nominated for president by Dave Baron and seconded by Andrea and all others agreed.   Dave Baron was nominated for vice president by Debbie and seconded by Andrea and all others agreed.  Debbie Turner was nominated for secretary/treasurer by Andrea and seconded by Bob and all others agreed.  Since Steve was not here we will finalize the board positions next month.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm with a motion by Dave and seconded by Andrea and all others agreed.

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