Sunday, February 23, 2014

Treasurer's report 2-15-14

1-4-13    #1178 post office                         $79           $20273.72

1-14-13   EFT Com Ed                              $45.35      $20228.37

1-16-13   Deposit                                        $530        $20758.37

1-25-13   Deposit                                        $87          $20845.37

2-8-13    #1179 Debbie ink                         $13.80      $20831.57

2-14-13   EFT Com Ed                               $44.08      $20787.49

2-14-13   #1180  Ann Brezinski                 $175.00    $20612.49

2-20-13   #1181   Debbie                            $50.30      $20562.19

3-15-13   EFT Com Ed                               $40.33      $20521.86

3-15-13   #1182 Taxes                                $35           $20486.86

3-15-13   #1183 stamps envelopes             $101.40    $20385.46

3-22-13   Deposit                                        $4500      $24885.46

4-2-13     Deposit                                        $2400      $27285.46

                VOID #1184

4-8-13     #1185 Debbie   ink                      $51.99     $27233.47

4-13-13  EFT  Com Ed                               $30.84     $27202.63

4-13-13   Deposit                                        $600        $27802.63

4-19-13   Deposit                                        $375        $28177.63

4-22-13  #1186 Adcraft                              $183.87   $27993.76

4-26-13   Deposit                                        $150        $28143.76

4-26-13  #1187   Tholens                            $140.21   $28003.55

4-29-13   refund tholens                               $140.21  $28143.76

4-29-13  Deposit                                           $75         $28218.76

5-2-13  #1188  deb stamps                       $9.20       $28209.56

5-2-13   #1189   Jim Horchem  mowing   $4985     $23224.56

5-2-13   #1190   Auto Owners                   $571       $22653.56

5-3-13   Deposit                                          $75        $22728.56

5-6-13    EFT COM ED                             $31.25   $22697.31

5-30-13  DEPOSIT                                     $75        $22772.31

6-6-13  #1191 Ann Brezinski                     $367.50  $22404.81

6-6-13  #1192    Taxes                                $50.30    $22354.51

6-6-13   EFT Com Ed                                  $30.34   $22324.17

6-15-13  #1193 Deb  bush                           $27.61   $22296.56

7-6-13  #1194 Andrea Journal                      $47.06   $22249.50

7-6-13 EFT Com Ed                                    $29.99    $22219.51

7-15-13  #1195 stamps                                 $55.20   $22164.31

7-19-13   DEPOSIT                                      $75.00    $22239.31

8-15-13  EFT Com Ed                                  $28.56    $22210.75

8-15-13 Deb bulb #1196                               $92.19   $22118.56 

9-13-13  EFT Com Ed                                  $30.93   $22087.63

9-11-13  1197 Deb bulb                                $40        $22047.63

10-3-13  deposit                                             $24       $22071.63

10-3-13   #1198  Steve Devine                      $269.09$21802.54

10-3-13   #1199  Datweiler                            $1010   $20792.54

10-15-13  EFT Com Ed                                 $32.21   $20760.33

11-11-13  Clean Cut                                      $2350    $18410.33

11-14-13   Com Ed                                         $35.89  $18374.44

12-8-13   Sec of State                                      $10       $18364.44

12-13-13 EFT Com Ed                                   $35.36              $18329.08                 

1-13-14  EFT Com Ed                                    $39.76  $18289.32                 

1-15-14   Stamps                                             $138   $18151.32      

2-8-14    Debbie –supplies                              $30     $18121.32      

2-14-14  Com Ed                                            $ 38.46  $18082.86

2-15-14  JP Horchem- mowing                      $3425.00  $14657.86                          

Minutes 2-15-14

Called to order at 10:15 am by Andrea Cinnamon  Board members present: Andrea Cinnamon  Debbie Turner  Bob West  Dave Baron  Steve Devine  8 homeowners present
Secretary’s report read by Debbie with motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Bob and all others agreed
Treasurer’s report read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Andrea and all others agreed
Diana from Shell is sick and unable to attend  4 water lines frozen  Suggested we run water 24/7 to help prevent  Debbie will send email to warn all residents  She said the frost line is at 50 inches and the pipes are at code at  48 inches
Public comment  One homeowner concerned about Aqua prices as he feels they are unfair  Another stated he has contacted the fire department to put sticks on the hydrants as they are getting buried by the snowplows  Another homeowner is upset about outhouses in the subdivision- this will be brought up with the attorney
Chris Benoit nominated his wife Elizabeth to the board with a motion by Debbie seconded by Dave and all others agreed  There were no other nominations at this time  One person will get back to us this week after he talks it over with his wife  Ballots will have to be mailed with the dues notice as there are not enough people in attendance to make a quorum
Covenant committee recommendations were discussed #4, #5 were agreed on #7 we will leave from dusk to dawn #11 pools must be grade level and above ground pools can not be buried #20 add over gross weight ? about larger vehicles being stored in garages which should be allowed?  Bylaws were agreed on but we should add to keep file when received and opened, undelivered and reply request
It was also suggested we look into online payment of dues
The 2014 budget was reviewed
The plans were on display for the use of the Shell money
We will wait to set a garage sale date and will probably not do with Limestone Meadows
Adjourned at 11:10 am with motion by Dave and seconded by Debbie and all others agreed

The new board then met and a motion was made by Steve and seconded by Dave to pay Jim Horchem $3425 for mowing for 2013  There will not be a March meeting so the next meeting will be April 2  Motion by Bob to adjourn at 11:35 and seconded by Dave and all others agreed

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Minutes 1-8-14

Wednesday January 8, 2014 6:30 pm  River Bend West Monthly meeting

Called to order at 6:30 pm by Andrea with motion by Dave and seconded By Debbie  all others agreed
Board members present:  Andrea Cinnamon, Debbie Turner, Dave Baron, Bob West, Steve Devine
Secretaries report read by Debbie with motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Steve and all others agreed
Treasurers report read by Debbie with motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Steve  All others agreed 2014 budget was presented and approved with a motion by Dave and seconded by Andrea and all others agreed
Old Business:  Dianna sent Debbie email stating 3 houses have to be finished in the Spring and two houses were not part of the suit  Debbie will send 2 homeowners not in suit letter stating they have one year from completion to hook up to Aqua at their cost
Streets were not cleaned by R&R due to weather when they finished for season
Covenant committee met on 12-15-13 and notes are attached 
New Business:  Deb will get taxes done in Jan   Nominating committee will be Shan Cinnamon, Donnie Turner, and Chad Gessner   Andrea, Steve, Chris and Leroy are up for election  Debbie will check with them to see if they want to stay on board and let nominating committee know
Debbie will call Jim Horchem to say we need a bill for mowing in 2013
Debbie will mail out notices for annual meeting which will be Feb 15, 2014 at 10:15 am at Limestone Library   Included in the letter will be information about voting on covenants, voting on board, use of Shell money, budget for 2014 and telling everyone we need 28 present for a quorum  Debbie will buy stamps in bulk now for meeting notice and dues notice before price increase Debbie will type up covenant changes and get to board and attorney before meeting
Dues notices will go out in March due April 1   Hopefully we can include email proxy info if it passes at annual meeting

Adjourned at 7:15 pm with motion by Dave and seconded by Bob and all others agreed