Tuesday, July 26, 2011

5-4-11 Minutes

Called to order by Erin Walker Board. Present: Erin Walker, Jeff Duffield, Debbie Turner,
Chris Benoit, Jim Gall, Dave Baron & 4 homeowners present
Secretaries report was read by Debbie. Motion to approve by Jeff, seconded by Dave and all others agreed. Covenants were sent to the 2 new homeowners.
Email working well: Debbie sent notices about egg hunt clean up and meeting.
Treasurer's report read by Debbie. Motion to approve by Chris seconded by Jeff, and all others agreed.
Motion by Dave, seconded by Jeff to pay the liability insurance to Datweiler Insurance, which is due May 18 all others agreed. Second notices were sent to 5 homeowners for dues all but 4 have now paid.
Mowing bids were opened and reviewed. Lowest bid was Jeff Duffield. He will start mowing tomorrow.
12 kids were at the Easter egg hunt in the rain. Four homeowners were at the clean up. We planted at the 113 sign, cleaned up the River Bend sign and picked up garbage. We would have to call the county to do a controlled burn by 113 so that may be left to the homeowner.
Shell representative was here to answer questions. They will start digging at 4000 Rd in June and reach us by Fall but probably won’t start here until Spring 2012. Our wells will be capped- cut 2 ft down pull out pump and fill with solution to seal. Fire hydrants about 300 ft apart will be installed. They will dig down 4 ½ feet at stick and by house for pipes will fix landscapes and driveways. Well, they'll probably give homeowner a check to fix it themselves after we get bids. Pipes will be 5 ft off road in ditch.
One homeowner present was upset again about pool issue. No pools are allowed.
Motion at 7:10 to go into closed session by Debbie and seconded by Dave all others agreed
5-5-11 EFT COM ED $36.01 $8232.17
5-6-11 AUTO OWNERS $517 $7715.17
5-11-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7790.17
5-19-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7865.17
6-2-11 DEPOSIT (1 LOT) $75 $7940.17
6-6-11 JEFF DUFFIELD MOWING $580 $7360.17
6-6-11 TAXES $49.14 $7311.03
6-16-11 COM ED EFT $38.10 $7272.93

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Canceled Meetings 2010-11

You will find no minutes posted for these meetings:

No meeting in Feb-11 other than annual meeting because of snowstorm
No meeting March 10 or 11 since annual meeting was late feb
No meeting Dec 10 either for party that was canceled due to lack of attendees

Annual Meeting 2-26-11

River Bend West Community Homeowners Association Annual Meeting 2-26-11
10am Limestone Township Library

Called to order 10am by Linda Faber
Board present Linda Faber, Erin Walker, Dave Rivard, Debbie Turner, Jim
Gall and Chris Benoit
9 homeowners present
Secretary report read by Debbie, motion to approve by Tom Martin,
seconded by Bob West and all others present agreed.
Treasurers report read by Dave, motion to approve by Erin, seconded by
Chris and all others agreed.
Election of Board: Linda Faber, Dave Rivard and Steve Goytia stepped
down. Leroy Sarowatz, Jeff Duffield and Dave Baron volunteered to take
a spot on the board. The nominating committee did not have any other
names and no one else present was interested and no one opposed those
named. Erin made a motion to approve them, Dave seconded and all
others agreed.
Mowing bids will be due May 1 to Debbie. Linda will put ad in the
Debbie turned in a receipt for $27.90 for postage for the post cards
for the mailing for this meeting. Erin made a motion to pay, Chris
seconded and all others agreed.
Tom Martin asked that the board look into the drainage problem in the
retention pond behind his house. He says it needs a load of dirt,
scraped to kill the cattails and regraded. We will have to check with
the county on this.
There was discussion for the coming year to continue the Easter egg
hunt, wiener roast and garage sale. We will coordinate with Limestone
Meadows this year.
Jim Gall talked with Mike Corum insurance and he cannot beat the quote
from Earl Datweiler for the coming year but could match it.
Covenant committee of Debbie, Erin, Steve Devine, Rita Sproul and Steve
G met on Jan19. 6 rewording on signs to allow for short period of
time, incandescent word removed in 7, 11 small swimming pool allowed,
20 72 hours. See attached
Erin would like to see something in writing about how we address
covenant violations.
Christy Strole would like someone else to take over the webmaster- I
will see what is involved.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:25am with a motion by Bob West, seconded by
Dave and all others in agreement.

The new board then met to assign positions. Erin Walker president and
Jeff Duffield vice president. Debbie will talk to Dave Baron about
sec/treas job. Others not interested. Erin will call attorney to
check if it is legal to have a trailer in violation of covenants towed
at owners expense. Meetings will be first Wed of the month now. Jeff
will talk to homeowner about trailer in yard. Chain of events will be
1) talk 2) letter 3) attorney for all violations. We will possibly
work on the river front this year if money is available. Meeting
adjourned at 11am with motion by Jeff and seconded by Chris and all
others in agreement. Next meeting April 6, 2011.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Our subdivision garage sale will be held June 9th and 10th this year. This coincides with Limestone Meadows's garage sale. Email Debbie Turner if you plan to participate, and for more details: rvrbnd11@gmail.com

Saturday, May 7, 2011



Called to order 6:30 President Erin Walker Board Present Erin Walker,
Jeff Duffield, Debbie Turner, Jim Gall , Leroy Sarowatz 2 homeowner

Secretaries report read by Debbie approved with motion by Leroy and
seconded by Jeff- all others in agreement
Treasurers report read by Debbie with motion to approve by Jeff and
seconded by Leroy- all others in agreement.
Old Business: Mowing bids due May 1 Easter Egg Hunt will be 4-16 11
am at park Debbie will get 2 gift baskets eggs left from last year
check on candy Meet at 10:30 to hide eggs Debbie will make signs
and have Christy put on website Garage sales for June 9
and 10 Neighborhood clean up 4-30 8am meet at 113 sign Debbie had
bill for $42.72 (see attached) Jeff made motion to pay and Leroy
seconded- all others in agreement Leroy will call Shell to come
talk to us about the water project as one homeowner present had some
Donnie Turner will try to work with Tom Martin to fix his problem with
the drainage pond with as little expense to association as possible
Atty has not gotten back to us on legality of towing vehicles in
noncompliance Ins is due May and Aug - no bills yet from
Datweiler Leroy will set up an email for the association We will
check with the atty also on the pending lawsuit for status update
Leroy had a question about why we mow the park if it is the park
district property- he will check with them as we don not know why- it
has always been that way?
At 6:50 Debbie made a motion to go into closed session and Jeff
seconded- all others in agreement.
1-18-11 EFT COM ED $41.91 $1371.82
2-17-11 EFT COM ED $38.47 $1333.35
2-17-11 1146 TAXES Phyllis McDowell $35.00 $1298.35
2-25-11 1147 Postage Debbie Turner $27.90 $1270.45
3-17-11 EFT COM ED $28.21 $1242.24
3-25-11 DEPOSIT DUES (38 LOTS) $1050.00 $2292.24
$975.00 $3267.24
$825.00 $4092.24
3-28-11 DEPOSIT DUES (7 LOTS) $525.00 $4617.24
4-5-11 DEPOSIT DUES ( 10 LOTS) $750 $5367.24
4-7-11 DEPOSIT DUES (10 LOTS) $750 $6117.24
4-15-11 EFT COM ED $37.46 $6079.78
4-15-11 DEBBIE TURNER $42.72 $6037.06
4-15-11 DEPOSIT DUES (21 LOTS) $1575 $7612.06
4-21-11 DEPOSIT DUES (6 LOTS) $450 $8062.06
4-27-11 DEPOSIT DUES (4 LOTS) $300 $8362.06
4-29-11 THOLENS $168.88 $8193.18
5-2-11 DEPOIST (1 LOT) $75.00 $8268.18

Sunday, March 27, 2011



Meeting was called to order at 6:35pm by Linda Faber. Present were
Erin Walker, Debbie Turner, Dave Rivard, Jim Gall and Chris Benoit.
One homeowner was present.

Public comment by Leroy Sarowatz stating that the garbage cans were
delivered today. Don Anderson asked when the minutes would be posted.
We reminded him there was no meeting in December so we would approve
the November minutes tonight and then get them to Christy to post but
it could take up to three months for her to post them.

Secretaries report was read by Debbie, motion to approve by Erin,
seconded by Dave and all others were in agreement.
Treasurers report was read by Dave. Motion to approve by Chris,
seconded by Erin and all others agreed.
Correspondence: Scenic Landscape sent a tin of popcorn as a thank you
for the business in 2010. Linda had Dave pay the Sec of State $10 for
Article of Incorporation that were due before this meeting.
Old Business: Linda gave Jim the quote form Ryan Reum to give to Mike
Corum for a quote for next year. Covenant committee will meet this
month to work on rewording of a few covenants prior to the annual
meeting. See attached email from attorney.
New Business: Debbie will call library to hold room for annual meeting
for Feb 26 at 10am with Feb 19 as second choice. Debbie will mail out
postcards two weeks prior. Dues are due April 1 so that will go in a
separate mailing. Debbie will talk to a few people to be on the
nominating committee. Linda Faber’s term is up and she is stepping
down. Leroy Sarowatz was at the meeting and stated he is interested in
being on the board. Debbie will fill out paperwork for library for
monthly meeting room use. Linda will put an ad in the Journal seeking
bids for mowing and will call Scenic and Dave Butz to be sure they know.
Debbie made a motion to go in to closed session a t 7:05pm seconded by
Chris and all others in agreement. Erin made a motion at 7:15 to come
out of closed session seconded by Debbie and all others in agreement.
Erin made a motion to adjourn at 7:15pm Dave seconded and all others in

Sunday, January 9, 2011


BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Linda Faber, Erin Walker, Debbie Turner, Dave Ô

Gall One homeowner present
Meeting called to order by Linda at 6:35pm. No public comment. Debbie read secretaries report, motion to approve by Erin, seconded by Dave and all other in agreement.

Treasurers report read by Dave,motion to approve by Debbie, seconded by Jim and all others in agreement.

Old Business: Christy will post minutes and financials to website but needs three month leeway. She will note that on the site also. It will also be put on the website that if a homeowner wants to discuss something with a board member other than in a meeting, to be courteous and call first. It will be encouraged to bring the matter if not urgent to the next scheduled meeting.

Most covenant issues were resolved„ others to be discussed in closed session.

The pile of brush by 113 will be burned by property owner. There was some discussion about the water project; a rep is going to each house to get papers signed.

Allied Waste lowered prices again to match the city of Kankakee. $14.26 and $1.30 admin fee per month. No fuel charge.

New Business: There are no pressing issues so there will be no Dec meeting. Ô will send
insurance cover sheets to Ô Lemenager Ô Insurance and Mike Ô for quotes. Mike Ô come to a meeting to talk to us also. We currently use Ryan Ô who will also give a new quote.

Linda made a motion at 6:55 pm to go into closed session, seconded by Debbie and all others agreed. Motionby Erin and seconded by Jim to come out of closed session after 15minutes.

FYI sheds already up„ nothing for us to do, must catch before goes up. No money to fight now.
We will check with Steve on attorneys response on this also. Motion to adjourn at 7:15pm by Erin and seconded by Dave, all others agreed.


Board members present: Erin Walker, Debbie Turner, Jim Gall, Steve Ô
Goytia, D. Rivard
1 homeowner present with his son

Erin called the meeting to order at 6:40pm with a motion by Dave, seconded by Debbie. Debbie read the secretaries report. Dave made a motion to accept, Steve seconded and all were in agreement.
Dave read the treasurers report. Debbie made a motion to accept, Steve seconded
and all others agreed.

Mr Don Anderson was present and had public comment. He again brought up the subject that his pool was not a swimming pool as deemed not allowed in the covenants but rather just a pool which is allowed. He again brought up about outhouses and hot tubs which he says are not allowed but are present. He was told that no pools are allowed as per
the covenants and the covenants do not address hot tubs or outhouses. He still feels we can not waive the dues of new board members. He states we never have a quorum when we vote. He left after about fifteen minutes of complaints.

Old business: the lights were installed at Denaults corner on the sign. Lot 40 was cleaned up.
Lot 54 is working on it. Lot 34 will get it cleaned up but was upset because this is the neighbors dumping on her empty lot. She asked that letter be sent to her neighbors to not dump there. Debbie will do this. The street at Devines corner has been fixed. Debbie will call Kramer about the holes from the water company.

The bonfire went great about 50 people present.

See attached proposal from Allied Waste for garbage service. A and J said they could match the service but would need to keep their price now which is about $8 more per month. Debbie will distribute a flier to let homeowners know their options and make their own decision.

The park district will add more mulch at the park but will probably wait until the spring. All minutes and covenants are now on the website. Dave will also send Christie the financials to post.

Erin called the county about sheds and their only rules are that they can be no closer than 5 feet to the rear of the property, no more than 22 feet high, must have a permanent foundation and there is no limit on size.

Compliance committee update was given by Steve. He heard back from the attorney on some of the points that were asked. The committee will meet again soon. Steve will email each of us the updated covenants the attorney did and ask her to finish the questions she did not answer. Steve statedthat we could put a lien on property for fines that were imposed for not following the covenants. See the enclosed attachment.
Dave made a motion to go into closed session to discuss some issues, Jim seconded.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:20 with a motion by Steve and seconded by Debbie