Sunday, January 9, 2011


BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Linda Faber, Erin Walker, Debbie Turner, Dave Ô

Gall One homeowner present
Meeting called to order by Linda at 6:35pm. No public comment. Debbie read secretaries report, motion to approve by Erin, seconded by Dave and all other in agreement.

Treasurers report read by Dave,motion to approve by Debbie, seconded by Jim and all others in agreement.

Old Business: Christy will post minutes and financials to website but needs three month leeway. She will note that on the site also. It will also be put on the website that if a homeowner wants to discuss something with a board member other than in a meeting, to be courteous and call first. It will be encouraged to bring the matter if not urgent to the next scheduled meeting.

Most covenant issues were resolved„ others to be discussed in closed session.

The pile of brush by 113 will be burned by property owner. There was some discussion about the water project; a rep is going to each house to get papers signed.

Allied Waste lowered prices again to match the city of Kankakee. $14.26 and $1.30 admin fee per month. No fuel charge.

New Business: There are no pressing issues so there will be no Dec meeting. Ô will send
insurance cover sheets to Ô Lemenager Ô Insurance and Mike Ô for quotes. Mike Ô come to a meeting to talk to us also. We currently use Ryan Ô who will also give a new quote.

Linda made a motion at 6:55 pm to go into closed session, seconded by Debbie and all others agreed. Motionby Erin and seconded by Jim to come out of closed session after 15minutes.

FYI sheds already up„ nothing for us to do, must catch before goes up. No money to fight now.
We will check with Steve on attorneys response on this also. Motion to adjourn at 7:15pm by Erin and seconded by Dave, all others agreed.

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