Sunday, March 4, 2018

Minutes 9-6-17

CALL TO ORDER  6:30 PM BY Dave Baron. Board members present: Dave Baron, Debbie Turner, Jeff Souligne, Jim Muhlstadt, Betsy Benoit. 3 homeowners present.
Secretary’s report was read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Jeff, seconded by Dave and all others agreed.
Treasurer’s report was read by Debbie. The second page was missing so it was read out of the checkbook. Jeff made a motion to defer approval until next month, seconded by Dave and all others agreed.
Old Business: One due left to be paid and attorney sent letter so will follow up next month. Dave is still in communication with a neighbor about the possibility of fireworks next year in the subdivision.
New Business: Betsy made a motion and Jeff seconded to reimburse Debbie $15 for a gift certificate for Haase’ for use of their electricity for the concert in July. Dave will tour the retention pond and tree area and report back next month on what he feels should be done with culverts and mowing. He will also talk to two neighbors who live around the pond about the drainage issue and dumping there and possible need to reach out to the health department. We will rebid the mowing contract in the spring and clearly outline that trimming needs to be done. Beverly lawn care was recommended. It was again brought up about dead trees in the subdivision. An email will be written regarding the trees, dumping, and trailers. Estes tree service was recommended. Two homes that had been on the market for quite some time sold and they were sent info on the covenants and email info was obtained. Debbie made a motion to buy new solar lights for the Pipeline Road entrances. Dave seconded and all others agreed. A homeowner brought up that they do not seem to be working. They were installed many years ago. One homeowner present confronted the board about allowing trailers and garbage cans to be in front of a home.
Adjourned at 7:05 pm by Dave and seconded by Jeff and all others agreed.

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