Sunday, December 9, 2018

Minutes 11-7-18

Meeting Minutes River Bend West Community Association

Present: Board Members Jim Muhlestadt, Andrea Cinnamon, Tim Hauert, Dave Baron, Jeff Souligne, Christy Strole and Heather Gill. Absent: Lisa Meyer. Quorum was present. No other residents attended.

Meeting was called to order by president Dave Baron at 6:35 pm.  The minutes of the October meeting were reviewed by Christy and the treasurer’s report from Deb Turner was reviewed by Dave.  Jim moved we approve these reports, Andrea seconded and the motion carried.


Dave passed out copies of the meeting schedule for 2019. He scheduled the library room for all those dates. Someone should check in in June or July to confirm the last six months.

Upcoming election. Deb Turner and Dave Baron were up for re-election, but they’re resigning so now Christy Strole, Jeff Souligne and Tim Hauert are up for election in February. Today we need to appoint a president and treasurer from this group.  Dave suggested Jim for treasurer and Tim for interim president until February.  Andrea is Vice President. Christy is interim secretary.  Jeff moved we appoint Jim as treasurer. Jeff seconded.  Motion carried.  Jeff moved that Tim be interim president, Andrea seconded, Tim agreed to serve, and the motion carried. 

Interim President:  Tim Hauert                   Interim Board Member:  Jeff Souligne
Vice President:  Andrea Cinnamon             Board Member:  Heather Gill
Interim Secretary:  Christy Strole               Board Member:  Lisa Meyer
Treasurer:  Jim Muhlestadt

For next month’s meeting Dave will attend but Tim will preside.  In December Christy will email the group asking for volunteers for board members. In January we’ll send out dues notices with ballots.

Don Anderson has an unapproved structure in his backyard.  Dave wants to go see Don’s son Kirk to ask about what looks like a rabbit hutch.  Livestock is prohibited by covenants.

All dues are currently paid.

Tom Martin’s asked us to pay to fix his septic field.  Our attorney Ann Brezinski advised that it’s not our responsibility.   Tom offered to sue us but has not done so.


Betty Baker cannot keep her lawn mowed now that George has passed.  Steve Schulz, John Jones, Tim Hauert, etc. have been helping her out.  Let’s revisit this in the spring to see if we need to take action. 

Jeff moved to adjourn, Andrea seconded, motion carried at 7:08 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Christy Strole, Interim Secretary

2019 River Bend West Community Association Meeting Schedule

All meetings are held on Wednesdays, 6:30 pm at the Limestone Library

January 9
February 6
March 6
April 3
May 1
June 5
July 10
August 7
September 4
October 2
November 6
December 4

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Minutes 10-3-18

River Bend West Community Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, October 3, 2018 Limestone Library at 6:30 pm

Called to order at 6:30 pm by Dave Baron. Board members present were Dave Baron, Andrea Cinnamon, Lisa Meyer, Jim Mulstadt and Jeff Souligne.
Residents present were Christy Strole, Steve Devine and Leroy Sarowatz.
Secretary’s Report: no report.
Treasurer’s Report: no report
Only Business: Board Make-up and Board for the Future
It was discussed how to move forward. It was determined that Christy Strole and Tim Hauert will fill in on an interim basis until a formal vote can be done in February 2019. Christy Strole agreed to handle the position of Secretary of the Board. Motion was made to accept by Lisa Meyer and seconded by Jeff Souligne and all others agreed.
Also, the board agreed to discuss Board offices at the next meeting. The Board will also get back to a formal setting at the next meeting.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:05 pm. Motion made by Lisa Meyer and seconded by Jim Mulstadt and all others agreed.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Minutes 3-14-18


Called to order at 6:33 pm by Dave Baron. Board members present  are Dave Baron, Debbie Turner, Andrea Cinnamon, Lisa Meyer, Jim Muhlstadt and Jeff Souligne. One homeowner present.
Secretary’s report was read by Debbie with motion to approve with one correction by Lisa and seconded by Jeff and all others agree.
Treasurer’s report was read by Debbie with motion to approve by Jeff and seconded by Jim and all others agreed.
Old Business: Dave was waiting to hear from Kirk Anderson about the fireworks. It was brought up by a couple board members about their concern with the price of the fireworks and the low bank account. It was voted on and all agreed to not pursue this for 2018 but look at it again in the future. A quorum of 30 votes was obtained so Andrea Cinnamon, Jim Muhlstadt and Heather Gill will be on the board.
New Business:  Larry Hinton is the contact person for the second addition of River Bend. There has been concern from a homeowner regarding their non-compliance with the covenants. The board does not feel this is something River Bend residents should have to pay for as the second addition is not under our association. They do have our covenants but it is up to Larry Hinton of Azzarelli Development to enforce them. If he wants to pursue this, it would be on his own as the board can not afford to start talks with attorneys regarding their non-compliance.  The Easter Egg hunt will be March 24 at 10 am at the park. Alexis Cinnamon will stuff and hide the eggs for her service project. Lisa made a motion to pay Debbie $50 for the supplies and Andrea seconded. All others agreed. We will discuss garage sales next month.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:09 with a motion by Lisa, seconded by Andrea and all others agreed.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Minutes 10-4-17


Called to order at 6:30 pm by Dave Baron. Other board members present were Debbie Turner, Lisa Meyer, Jim Muhlstadt, Jeff Souligne and Andrea Cinnamon. 2 homeowners present.
Secretary’s report was read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Lisa and seconded by Jim and all others agreed.
Treasurer’s report was read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Jeff and seconded by Lisa and all others agreed.
Old Business: Dave did talk to two homeowners regarding the retention pond and at this time it is dry but will talk again to them about the drainage tile and need for the rocks in the ditch. We may have to talk to the road commissioner also.
New Business: The lot on 113 closed and was bought by the new owner of the house next door which is not a part of River Bend. There was a request to clear away some of the overgrowth of trees at the river lot to make the view more accessible. Dave will get a few estimates.
Adjourned at 6:50 pm.

Minutes 9-6-17

CALL TO ORDER  6:30 PM BY Dave Baron. Board members present: Dave Baron, Debbie Turner, Jeff Souligne, Jim Muhlstadt, Betsy Benoit. 3 homeowners present.
Secretary’s report was read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Jeff, seconded by Dave and all others agreed.
Treasurer’s report was read by Debbie. The second page was missing so it was read out of the checkbook. Jeff made a motion to defer approval until next month, seconded by Dave and all others agreed.
Old Business: One due left to be paid and attorney sent letter so will follow up next month. Dave is still in communication with a neighbor about the possibility of fireworks next year in the subdivision.
New Business: Betsy made a motion and Jeff seconded to reimburse Debbie $15 for a gift certificate for Haase’ for use of their electricity for the concert in July. Dave will tour the retention pond and tree area and report back next month on what he feels should be done with culverts and mowing. He will also talk to two neighbors who live around the pond about the drainage issue and dumping there and possible need to reach out to the health department. We will rebid the mowing contract in the spring and clearly outline that trimming needs to be done. Beverly lawn care was recommended. It was again brought up about dead trees in the subdivision. An email will be written regarding the trees, dumping, and trailers. Estes tree service was recommended. Two homes that had been on the market for quite some time sold and they were sent info on the covenants and email info was obtained. Debbie made a motion to buy new solar lights for the Pipeline Road entrances. Dave seconded and all others agreed. A homeowner brought up that they do not seem to be working. They were installed many years ago. One homeowner present confronted the board about allowing trailers and garbage cans to be in front of a home.
Adjourned at 7:05 pm by Dave and seconded by Jeff and all others agreed.