Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Treasurer's Reports 2012

Balance forward $5171.22
1-5-12 #1160 Postmaster (Postcards) $34.56 $5136.66
1-5-12 #1161 void
1-5-12 #1162 Debbie (Stamps and envelopes) $10.25 $5126.41
1-18-12 EFT Com Ed $46.85 $5079.56
1-24-12 Shell Deposit $15,792.00 $20871.56
2-4-12 #1163 taxes Phyllis McDowell $35.00 $20836.56
2-4-12 #1164 Deb (labels, stencils, paint) $19.66 $20816.90
2-17-12 EFT Com Ed $42.73 $20774.17
3-9-12 EFT Com Ed $40.46 $20773.71
3-9-12 #1165 Debbie (ink, envelopes, county, stamps) $110.50 $20623.21
3-9-12 #1166 Atty for 2011 fees $1245 $19378.21
3-16-12 Deposit 58 lots $4350 $23728.21
3-30-12 Deposit 22 lots $1650 $25378.21
4-5-12 #1167 Debbie (stamps, candy, eggs) $56 $25322.21
4-5-12 #1168 Andrea (gift baskets) $19.02 $25303.19
4-5-12 #1169 Ann Brezinski $592.50 $24710.69
4-05-12 EFT Com Ed $36.84 $24673.85
4-6-12 Deposit $675 $25348.85
$975 $26323.85
4-18-12 #1170 Tholens $86.02 $26237.83
4-18-12 Deposit $75.00 $26312.83
5-1-12 Deposit $150.00 $26462.83
5-4-12 EFT Com Ed $36.84 $26425.99
5-11-12 Deposit $75.00 $26500.99
5-14-12 #1171 Auto Owners $539.00 $25961.99
6-1-12 Deposit $75.00 $26036.99
6-4-12 Deposit $75.00 $26111.99
6-14-12 EFT Com Ed $38.46 $26073.53
6-14-12 #1172 Taxes $49.78 $26023.75
6-14-12 #1173 MEI $1700.00 $24323.75
7-12-12 EFT Com Ed $32.57 $24291.18
7-30-12 Deposit $200.00 $24491.18
8-13-12 EFT Com Ed $32.87 $24458.31
8-17-12 #1175 Datweiler $1010.00 $23448.31
8-21-12 #1175 Rod Middleton $2850.00 $20598.31
9-11-12 EFT Com Ed $36.63 $20561.68
10-11-12 EFT Com Ed $37.27 $20524.41
11-9-12 EFT Com Ed $42.00 $20482.41
11-23-12 #1176 Deb stamps and copying $75.00 $20407.41
12-12-12 EFT Com Ed $44.69 $20362.72
12-12-12 Sec of State #1177 $10 $20352.72

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Minutes May 2012 - December 2012

RBWCA  5-1-12

Limestone Township Library
Board Members present: Leroy Sarowatz, Debbie Turner, Steve Devine and Andrea Cinnamon
Leroy called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm
Debbie read the secretaries report motion by Steve to approve and seconded by Andrea all others agreed
Debbie read the treasurers report motion by Steve to approve and seconded by Andrea all others agreed
A gazebo at the park was brought up again and it was felt that the park should pay for it not us and that they should also be mowing not us
Debbie will let the attorney know that the boat and trailer are both gone so no further action needs to be taken
Debbie will be sure Rod Middleton gets us a copy of his insurance before he starts the work
Debbie will send 2 letters to people who have trailers in their driveways
Steve will talk to the homeowner about overgrown yard and see if some of us could help her out as neighbors not as a board- no association money will be used if she agrees
Debbie will send letters to the 4 homeowners who have not paid their dues with an excerpt from the covenants stating that they must pay and there could be a lien placed for nonpayment (one house is in foreclosure already)
Motion by Steve to adjourn at 7pm seconded by Leroy and all others agreed
RBWCA 6-6-12

Original meeting of June 6, 2012 rescheduled to June 13 as we would not have a quorum.
Only board members present at June 13 meeting were Erin Walker, Debbie Turner and Steve Devine. No homeowners present. We were in the main part of the library as there was no room available. There was not a quorum so meeting could not officially be held.
Debbie did receive the tax bill which is due June 20, 2012.Steve made a motion to pay and Erin seconded. Debbie will call other board members to get their vote. Rod Middleton also called Debbie and asked for partial payment for the work in the retention pond. Steve motioned to pay half and Erin seconded. Debbie will also call to get the others votes and then pay this.
Steve has been calling the health dept weekly about the issue with the septic and the retention pond which is holding up the finish of the work of removing the cattails. He has not gotten any answers so far. He talked with Mike Bossert, a homeowner who is on the County Board, who said he will get this going for us. It could be 30 days for them to check on it and then the homeowner has 30 days to come up with a plan to fix it. Debbie will let Rod know this and see if he can do most of the other work so this can be finished.
The next meeting is scheduled for July 4 which is a holiday so Erin checked to see when the room is next available which is Wed July 18 at 6:30pm
Addendum: Leroy Sarowatz, Andrea Cinnamon and Dave Baron all agreed to pay the taxes and to pay Rod Middleton half of his balance due and the rest when the job is finished.
When Debbie brought the check to Rod on June 14, 2012, he questioned the dollar amount. He said his bid was for $8500 not $3400 as we read it. Debbie will get in touch with the other board members to address this.
Leroy also asked that I make up a list of homeowners who have not given us their emails so we can let them know by letter that this will be our form of communication. Debbie will make this list and bring it to the next meeting for discussion.
July 17, 2012 Third time talking with Rod and he agreed to match next low bid of $4500 and $150 to remove the pile of debris from fox Run lot. This will be voted on at the July meeting.
RBWCA 7-18-12

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Erin Walker with a motion by Dave and seconded by Steve. Board members present were Leroy Sarowatz, Debbie Turner, Andrea Cinnamon, Dave Baron, Chris Benoit and Steve Devine. No homeowners were present. Debbie read the secretaries report. Dave made a motion to approve with a second by Andrea. Debbie then read the Treasurers report with a motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Steve. Debbie talked to Rod Middleton and he agreed to match the next lowest bid of $4500 and $150 to clean up the lot on Fox Run. Leroy also asked that he clean up the other retention pond of the pile of debris that has been dumped there for an additional $150. This was seconded by Dave. Steve said the homeowners by the retention pond that had septic backing up into the area has a contractor to do the work. Debbie will let Rod know. Dave will talk to Chad Gessner about the cars that speed through the neighborhood to see if there is something that can be done. Debbie will send a letter to the 22 homeowners who have not given us their email to let them know that will be our main mode of communication or the website. Debbie will get copies of the covenants to the 2 new homeowners in the subdivision. Debbie will also add the website address to the next email that goes out to the homeowners. Leroy gave Debbie a list of covenant violations that letters need to be sent out for. The next meeting will be back on schedule Wed August 1. Dave made a motion at 7:05 pm to adjourn and Leroy seconded.

RBWCA 8-1-12

Called to order at 6:30pm by Erin with a motion by Debbie and seconded by Dave
Board members present were Erin Walker, Debbie Turner, Andrea Cinnamon, Dave Baron, and Steve Devine No home owners present Don Anderson dropped off paperwork and asked for the minutes from the past 6 months He stated he would pay for these and Debbie will get these for him
Secretaries report was read by Debbie Motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Steve
Treasurers report was read by Debbie No activity since last meeting Motion to approve by Dave and seconded by Steve
Debbie asked to be reimbursed for $9.00 for stamps Dave made motion and Andrea seconded
Debbie has a call in to Ann Brezinski about the $200 check that was received on the property that has a lien She will also ask her to review the contract most people signed for the water settlement as there is a question as to whether people who were not in on the settlement have to get water and have their well capped A homeowner who asked to remain anonymous also states he heard that there is a way to keep your well We will try to get more information Dave was told that they will not start work in our subdivision until next Spring
Erin asked for a motion to adjourn at 6:50 pm motion by Dave and seconded by Steve
Addendum: Debbie received bill on 8-16-12 from Datweiler Ins for $1010 for officers policy due 8-24-12 Email vote done with motion to pay by Andrea second by Leroy and Dave, Debbie and Erin voted yes. Bill paid 8-17-12.
Debbie talked to Rod Middleton on 8-20-12 while he was working on finishing what he could at the retention pond He did not think there was an easement to the other area behind Scanlons for him to enter to clean up the pile of debris I told him to hold off until the board could talk He also asked for the remainder of the money owed to him withholding $500 until he can seed after the septic is fixed on the adjoining property I suggested a letter to the adjacent homeowners by Scanlons to ask whoever dumped to please clean it up and Leroy volunteered to talk to Mike first

RBWCA 9-4-12

Motion was made with an email vote to pay Rod $2850 by Chris seconded by Erin Debbie Leroy and Andrea agreed Rod picked up the check on 8-24-12

Called to order at 6:30 pm by Erin with a motion by Debbie and seconded by Chris all others agreed
Board members present: Erin Walker, Leroy Sarowatz, Debbie Turner, Andrea Cinnamon, Chris Benoit 6 homeowners and Diana from Shell present
Secretaries report read by Debbie Chris made motion to approve and Andrea seconded all others agreed
Treasurers report read by Debbie Leroy made motion to approve and Andrea seconded all others agreed
Diana was here to answer homeowners questions about the water and construction etc They plan on working through the winter and to be in our subdivision in the spring They will lay the pipes out for one days use or put them in Azzarelli empty lots in the other part Shell says that any well before 2008 will be capped Any well after that it is up to the homeowner but our covenants say everyone has to hook up within one year so if someone chose not to have Shell do it now for free they would have to pay with in a year to have it done We will clarify this with our attorney The pipeline will be at the top of the ditch about 5 feet in from the road When fixing driveways they will go to the next seam We should take pictures of landscaping etc to be assured it is fixed correctly they will issue check to us to have repairs done though they will fix the standing water problem already on Pipeline Road The dirt taken out will be put back We should mark our sprinklers to prevent damage to them she had the maps here as to where the pipes are going If there was sod it will be replaced with sod or whatever grass seed we want Diana stated that Kankakee County is trying to pass an ordinance to seal all wells in the core area they still plan on boring under the roads to put the pipes in
It was asked if the River Bend signs that were painted a few years ago were sealed- Debbie will check on the old paperwork
It was asked about the pile of debris in the retention pond- the homeowner who lives by it is going to clean it up We will check when the work will be done on the septic so that Rod Middleton can seed the other retention pond We were told that there is a septic draining into the retention pond with the pile of debris also and Leroy will check into this
Debbie made a motion at 7:30 pm to go into closed session and Chris seconded and all others agreed
RBWCA 10-3-12

Called to order at 6:30 pm by Erin Walker with a motion by Debbie Turner and seconded by Steve Devine Andrea Cinnamon and Leroy Sarowatz also present Absent were Dave Baron
and Chris Benoit
Secretaries report was read by Debbie with motion to approve by Steve and seconded by Leroy
Treasurers report was read by Debbie with motion to approve by Steve and seconded by Andrea
Miscellaneous: We will not have a wiener roast this fall Debbie talked to the attorney and per our covenants all houses in the subdivision must hook up to Aqua water within one year even if they did not sign the shell papers Shell will still hook them up for free at this time (except one home) but if they decline they will have to pay to have it done within the next year It will be up to the board to enforce this Erin will email Diana to be sure she understands so she can talk to homeowners as this comes up also and also ask who has not signed the agreement Nothing needs to be done with the lien we have and she said it would be too costly to put a lien on a house for nonpayment of dues that is in foreclosure The River Bend signs are not sealed and we will not do anything with them at this time as they are in good shape The for sale signs on Stone Ridge Dr are gone and the overgrown property is getting cleaned up Steve will follow up with the health department on the septic system on Valley View and inquire about a possible second problem on the other side If we do not get an answer as to when this will be fixed we will get in tough with IDPH as it has been over 6 months already
Leroy is going to be spending the winters in Florida so he is stepping down from the board effective immediately We will discuss a replacement at the next meeting to fill in until the February election
Motion at 7:10 pm by Debbie to adjourn and seconded by Andrea

RBWCA 11-7-12

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Erin Walker with a motion by Dave Baron and seconded by Steve Devine. All others agreed. The treasurers report was read by Debbie Turner. A motion was made by Dave and seconded by Steve to approve, all others agreed. The secretaries report was read by Debbie and approved with a motion by Dave and seconded by Steve. All others agreed. Board members Andrea Cinnamon and Chris Benoit were also present.
Steve called the health department about the two septic tanks on 10-4 and 11-7 and talked to a man named Brian. The homeowner on the first one has the permit and is waiting for the contractor and the health department to start. The health department put dye in Scanlons water today and will check it tomorrow to see if that is where the water is coming from in the other retention pond. Steve will follow up on this.
A motion by Dave and seconded by Andrea was made to allow Shell Pipeline to stack the pipes for the River Bend water project on the river front property where they are already working.
Dave made a motion and Erin seconded for a letter to go out to all the homeowners about the status of the well capping and the entire project. Debbie will check with Diana that the letter is ok and ask about a few other houses to see if they were included in the settlement. She will also check to see about the marking on the road by the 113 sign.
Debbie will also check with Rod to see if dirt will be brought in for the retention pond before it is seeded or if he will just have to regrade it.
We will have to make a decision on the Shell money before taxes are done this year. We feel our main focus will be on the river front: trees, split rail fence, landscaping and clear area to the river for small boats. We would also like to re landscape the signs that were messed up with construction, upgrade lights and plant more bushes etc.
Dave made a motion at 7:05 to adjourn and Steve seconded.

RBWCA 12-5-12

Called to order by Erin Walker with a motion by Debbie Turner and seconded by Chris Benoit. All others agreed. Secretaries report read by Debbie with motion by Chris to approve and seconded by Andrea Cinnamon. All others agreed. Treasurers report read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Leroy Sarowatz and seconded by Steve Devine. All others agreed. Dave Baron not able to attend. Three homeowners present. (Leroy did say he would step down at the October meeting because he was moving to Florida part time but then let us know he would be available for the December meeting so he will stay on until the annual meeting when we can elect a new board member).
Old Business: Leroy thanked the Johnstons for cleaning up their yard. The dye put in to check Scanlons septic came up negative. He did state that sometimes he drains his hot tub which could be what was seen. The health department stated they are waiting on us to make a decision about the other septic???? They want permission to put the discharge for the aeration system in the retention area. The homeowners association will not allow this as all of a homeowners septic system must be on their own property. Steve will notify the health department. He will also see if the health department could come to a meeting to answer some questions. Mike Bossert also informed us that Shell is having trouble boring under the road at the 113 sign and are working with IDOT to possibly cut the road. Leroy made a motion to pay $10 to the state for the incorporation fee and Erin seconded. All others agreed.
Public comment: One couple had questions about the city water. This was all questions already answered at other meetings so they were given answers and Diana Lundgrens card. Mike Bossert stated that there was an error in the letter that went out to homeowners about the Aqua water and Shell settlement. It stated that the county would ensure the wells were capped after water was brought in and he said the county will have nothing to do with this. If a homeowner gives Shell a problem with capping their well after they have signed the agreement, it would have to be taken care of in court. Thank you for the clarification.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm with a motion by Debbie and seconded by Steve and all others agreed.
12-12-12 EFT Com Ed             $44.69         $20362.72
12-12-12 Sec of State #1177     $10            $20352.72