Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Minutes 4-3-19

Minutes 4-3-19 Call to Order: 6:31 pm Limestone Library Present: Tim Hauert, President Andrea Cinnamon, Vice President Jim Muhlstadt, Treasurer Christy Strole, Secretary Lisa Meyer Heather Gill Jeff Souligne No other homeowners were present. Treasurer’s report was reviewed. 18 homeowners have not paid their dues that were due March 15th. They have been billed twice. We’ll wait another week, then Jim will send a new list to Christy who will send out paper overdue notices to whomever has not yet paid. Jeff moved we approve the treasurer’s report. Andrea seconded: motion carried. Minutes from last month were reviewed. O’Connor emailed to alter their bid after we decided last meeting to award the contract to Dufrain, but it was too late. Garage sale will be 8-4 pm on June 6 and 7. Christy moved we approve the minutes, Lisa seconded, motion carried. Old Business: Who mows the park? Tim checked with a guy at the park department, who said a deal was made when the park was installed that the park district would maintain the equipment and RBWCA would mow. So Dufrain will mow the park for us. Easter Egg Hunt: 4-13-19 Last year Deb spent $50 on the Easter Egg Hunt, which Andrea will spend this year. Heather will preside at the hunt from 10:00 to 10:10 on Saturday April 13th. Christy will send an email to all homeowners advertising this event, as well as clean-up day.. Choose date for clean-up day: Clean-up will be April 27th, meet at the park at 8:00 am. Jim already cleaned up the 113 entrance where a guy slid on the ice and hit the sign. New Business: Darek Lee Fence Approval: He emailed a picture of the type of fence and a bid from the contractor. Tim called and left a message, Darek hasn’t called back. We need a drawing showing where the fence will be located. Christy will email him asking for a hand-drawn representation of the location of the fence, then we will vote via email. Randy Collins drainage issue: Randy told Tim he didn’t learn about the drainage problem in his back yard until he moved in. Two aeration septic systems drain into the same retention pond area, and there’s landscape brick and dirt in an L shape on top of the ground where the water should be moving underneath. Randy is committed to doing whatever needs to be done, whether he has to repair, replace or raise the line. Jim researched this when Martin owned the property, and learned that code has changed since this system was installed. If Randy repairs or raises the line, he’s grandfathered in to the old code. If he adds a new line, he’ll have to comply with the new code, which prevents this kind of installation. Tim will talk to him. He wants to pull bushes out from the west side of his house to install a sidewalk, which Tim approved. Jim suggested Randy send us a drawing of the sidewalk plan. Tim moved we adjourn at 7:03, Jeff seconded, motion carried.