Monday, April 8, 2019

Minutes 3-6-19

Call to Order 6:35 pm Present: Tim Hauert Andrea Cinnamon Jim Muhlstadt Lisa Meyer Christy Strole Jeff Souligne Minutes for last month’s meeting were reviewed and a spelling error corrected. Christy moved we approve the minutes, Lisa seconded, motion carried. Treasurer’s report was reviewed. 43% of homeowners have paid dues already. Lisa moved we approve the treasurer’s report, Tim seconded, and the motion carried. Christy will send a reminder email to all homeowners regarding the March 15th deadline, and this time she’ll tell people to make the check out to River Bend West Homeowners Association. Old Business: Results of election: We got more than 30 votes so Tim Hauert, Jeff Souligne and Christy Strole were elected. Slate of officers: Jim Muhlstadt graciously agreed to serve as treasurer, Tim Hauert as President and Christy Strole as secretary. Christy moved we approve the slate, Jim seconded, and the motion carried. Mowing bids were reviewed. Dufrain said last year he mowed the park as well as the other lots. We thought the park district mowed the park. Tim will check with the park district. Christy moved we award the bid to Dufrain, Jim seconded, and the motion carried. Christy will notify Dufrain. New Business: Garage Sale: Briarcliff usually holds theirs the first weekend of June or the last weekend of May, so we’re going for Wednesday June 5th for preview night, Thursday and Friday June 6 and 7 for the association garage sale. Andrea will notify the papers, using the same hours we used last year. Easter Egg Hunt: will be held April 13th from 10:am to 11:00 am. Andrea will get the stuff again and fill the eggs. Christy will look up last year’s receipts to see what we spent, and announce the date via email to homeowners this month. Clean Up Day: We’ll pick a date based on weather forecasts at our next meeting in April. Christy moved we adjourn, Lisa seconded and the motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm. Respectfully submitted, Christy Strole Approved Date:___________________ Signature: ______________