Monday, March 4, 2019

Minutes 1-9-19

MINUTES 1-9-19 Call to Order: 6:35 pm Present: Tim Hauert Andrea Cinnamon Jim Muhlstadt Christy Strole Jeff Souligne Minutes approval: Andrea moved, Jeff seconded, motion carried. Treasurer’s report approval: Christy moved, Jeff seconded, motion carried Old Business: Results of call for nominations: no one volunteered. Our ballot for the February Annual meeting will include Christy, Tim and Jeff. We’ll add “we need 28 votes, so please vote even though there are only three candidates for three positions.” Paper ballots will be available at the annual meeting. After that, ballots and dues notices will be emailed together. All homeowners will be invited at least 5 days before the annual meeting via email. We decided to email all homeowners before every meeting as well. Scott Styck fixed the broken light fixture on the sign at the 113 entrance and did not charge us. Andrea will ask his wife what restaurant he likes and she’ll send him a thank you note from the board with a $25 gift card for that restaurant. Jeff moved, Jim seconded: motion carried. New Business: Jim shared the 2018 budget with actual expenses listed and we created the 2019 budget. We had no attorney expense listed. Why hasn’t Ann B. billed us for the letter she wrote this summer? Andrea will ask Deb about that, and if we will owe her money, Christy will email her to say the Martin situation has been resolved and ask whether we owe her anything. We need to send out an RFP to get bids on the lawn mowing soon. Christy will look for specifications for this bid to make sure trimming is included, as it was not done this year. We’ll send it out next month. We have 109 lots, at $75 we expect revenue of $8175 but Cody consolidated two lots, so we expect $8100. Jeff moved we adjourn, Christy seconded, motion carried, meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.