Monday, January 21, 2019

Minutes 12-5-18

RBWCA MINUTES   December 5, 2018

Call to Order:  The following officers were in attendance.  No other homeowners attended.

Interim president:  Tim Hauert
Vice President:  Andrea Cinnamon
Treasurer:  Jim Muhlstadt
Interim secretary:  Christy Strole

A quorum was declared.  Minutes of the 11-7-18 meeting were read.  Christy moved that we approve the minutes.  Jim seconded, motion carried.  Treasurer’s report for November was read.  Christy moved we approve the treasurer’s report, admiring the new easy-to-read format.  Tim seconded, motion carried. 

Old Business: 

Structure behind Don Anderson’s house:  Tim walked back there to discover that it's a lean-to covering firewood.  This does not violate our covenants.

Tom Martin’s house sold to Randy and Cristal Collins.  Christy sent them a form letter directing them to the website and asking permission to contact them via email.

New business:

One of the lights was out on the subdivision entrance sign on Route 113.  Jim bought a new light bulb and installed it.  That didn’t solve the problem.  Tim moved that we give Jim authorization to contact an electrician to fix the light.  Andrea seconded, and the motion carried.  Jim will talk to Scott Styck first.

This month, Christy will email the membership asking for volunteers for the two open board positions.  At our January meting we’ll create a ballot, hopefully including the new names.  We’ll vote at the February annual meeting on the ballot.  If we don’t get 28 votes at that meeting, dues notices will go out with email ballots.  The March meeting will have new officers.  Christy will send the board members the 2014 bylaws, and check to make sure the March deadline is correct.  She’ll create a Google doc of our membership list so we can all edit it when we learn of a change.

Christy moved to adjourn at 7:30, Jim seconded, motion carried.