Thursday, July 14, 2016

Treasurer's Report 6-1-16

1-20-16   COM ED EFT                                        $51.13     $4142.75

2-17-16   COM ED EFT                                        $42.23     $4100.52

3-18-16  COM ED EFT                                         $40.92     $4059.60

3-28-16    DEPOSIT DUES                                   $3150     $7209.60

4-10-16  DEPOSIT DUES                                     $2025     $9234.60

4-15-16  COM ED                                                  $38.44    $9196.16

4-25-16  DEPOSIT DUES                                     $1050     $10246.16

5-1-16  COM ED EFT                                           $37.64     $10208.52

5-9-16  #1242 DEB SUPPLIES                             $32          $10176.52

5-9-16  #1243  AUTO OWNERS                          $717       $9459.52

5-9-16  #1244  HEATWAVE                                $360       $9099.52

5-9-16  DEPOIST DUES                                       $1050     $10149.52

5-16-16  #1245  ANN BREZINSKI                       $80        $10069.52

6-1-16 Deposit                                                        $600      $10669.52

6-2-16   #1246 Heatwave                                       $600      $10069.52

6-2-16  #1247  The Herald                                     $13        $10056.52

6-2-16   #1248   taxes                                             $53.38   $10003.14

6-16-16   EFT COM ED                                        $40.16    $9962.98

7-15-6  EFT Com Ed                                              $36.68    $9926.30

Minutes 6-1-16

River Bend West Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting
Wednesday June 1, 2016 6:30 pm Limestone Library

Called to order at 6:30 pm by Steve Devine. Board members present: Steve Devine, Dave Baron, Debbie Turner, Andrea Cinnamon and Jim Muhlstadt. 2 homeowners present.

Secretary’s report was read by Debbie with motion to approve by Dave, seconded by Steve and all others agreed.
Treasurer’s report was read by Debbie with a motion to approve by Dave, seconded by Steve and all others agreed.

Old Business: There are 4 left to pay dues and letters were mailed this time. Betsy will book Lupe Carroll for the concert on August 19 for two hours (no band) at the park. Debbie will check with Scott Styck to be sure it is ok to use the park. Kyle Rewerts was at the meeting and he has access to a generator through work so he will check on it. Otherwise we will ask a neighbor by the park to plug into their power for a few hours.  Andrea will put the ads in the Journal, Pilot and Herald for the garage sales June 16, 17 and 18. Dave made the motion, Steve seconded and all others agreed.

New Business: There was an email complaint about the board not being fair on enforcing the covenants. It was discussed and the board feels they are fair. People do not come to the meeting and realize all the steps it takes if someone does not comply when a letter is sent. (second letter, attorney, and then court) This is not a quick process if a homeowner does not abide by the letter that was sent explaining the covenant violation. It was decided that letters concerning covenant violations will come from the attorney now. It is felt that sending the letters by the board causes conflict with neighbors and friends and the board wants to be fair to all. Dave made the motion, Steve seconded and all others agreed. Four letters will go out for trailers and one for garbage cans. Dave will also review the covenants to be sure the process of how violations are brought to the attention of the board is being followed. 

There were house plans submitted to build on the corner of Fox Run and Stone Ridge Dr. They are with in compliance of the covenants as reviewed by the board. Motion to approve by Dave, seconded by Steve and all others agreed. Plans were also submitted for a fence on Valley View that is also within the covenants. Motion to approve by Dave, seconded by Steve and all others agreed. Motion by Steve and seconded by Dave to pay the taxes in the amount of $53.38 for all three properties for both installments. All others agreed. 

It was decided that a motion is not needed each month to pay the mowing bill as we gave Heatwave the contract. The bills usually come in the week after the meeting and are due upon receipt. Debbie will continue to pay them unless there seems to be a discrepancy. 

One homeowner asked about making his driveway wider. He has a three car garage but the driveway is only two car at the street. The covenants were reviewed and there is nothing stating he has to have board approval but it was suggested that he check with the road commissioner or ask when he gets his permit with the county.

Adjourned at 7:30 pm.