Sunday, March 27, 2011



Meeting was called to order at 6:35pm by Linda Faber. Present were
Erin Walker, Debbie Turner, Dave Rivard, Jim Gall and Chris Benoit.
One homeowner was present.

Public comment by Leroy Sarowatz stating that the garbage cans were
delivered today. Don Anderson asked when the minutes would be posted.
We reminded him there was no meeting in December so we would approve
the November minutes tonight and then get them to Christy to post but
it could take up to three months for her to post them.

Secretaries report was read by Debbie, motion to approve by Erin,
seconded by Dave and all others were in agreement.
Treasurers report was read by Dave. Motion to approve by Chris,
seconded by Erin and all others agreed.
Correspondence: Scenic Landscape sent a tin of popcorn as a thank you
for the business in 2010. Linda had Dave pay the Sec of State $10 for
Article of Incorporation that were due before this meeting.
Old Business: Linda gave Jim the quote form Ryan Reum to give to Mike
Corum for a quote for next year. Covenant committee will meet this
month to work on rewording of a few covenants prior to the annual
meeting. See attached email from attorney.
New Business: Debbie will call library to hold room for annual meeting
for Feb 26 at 10am with Feb 19 as second choice. Debbie will mail out
postcards two weeks prior. Dues are due April 1 so that will go in a
separate mailing. Debbie will talk to a few people to be on the
nominating committee. Linda Faber’s term is up and she is stepping
down. Leroy Sarowatz was at the meeting and stated he is interested in
being on the board. Debbie will fill out paperwork for library for
monthly meeting room use. Linda will put an ad in the Journal seeking
bids for mowing and will call Scenic and Dave Butz to be sure they know.
Debbie made a motion to go in to closed session a t 7:05pm seconded by
Chris and all others in agreement. Erin made a motion at 7:15 to come
out of closed session seconded by Debbie and all others in agreement.
Erin made a motion to adjourn at 7:15pm Dave seconded and all others in