Friday, October 29, 2010


Called to order by Linda at 6:30 pm. Public comment by Jim Bruno asking for a copy of the covenants because he believes a neighbor has a steel shed that is not in compliance. Linda told him that since the shed has been there since before the board was active and the current owners bought it, we felt that there was nothing we could do as told to us previously by the county. He asked that we check with our attorney which we will do and Erin will also call the county to see if anything has changed on our rights to enforce this. He also asked about the potholes by Devine’s corner. Linda did call the road commissioner and was told it would be fixed three weeks ago. Debbie will send a letter to him and the township board. Debbie will get Jim a copy of the current covenants. The secretary’s report was read by Debbie, motion to approve by Erin and seconded by Dave- all others were in agreement. Treasurer’s report was read by Dave, motion to approve by Erin, seconded by Debbie- all others were in agreement. There is only one homeowner who has not paid their dues now. Dave asked to be paid for postage for $8.00. Debbie made the motion, Erin seconded and all others agreed. OLD BUSINESS: Debbie will email all minutes to Christy to put on the website as well as the covenants. Linda talked to Denaults about putting lights on the sign by their house and they were happy to have them. Debbie volunteered to purchase these for $60. A motion was made by Debbie and seconded by Dave and all others agreed. Debbie will call Scenic landscaping to see if they are done with the landscaping on the corner lot and also to see if they are being paid for the lots they mow for homeowners who have not built yet. (2) The insurance bill questions from last month did not need a call around vote because one bill was for the property liability and the other was for the board members liability which had already been approved to pay as these are billed in two parts. The new board will get quotes next year to seek a better price. The “NO CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC” sign by 113 is down again- Donnie Turner will check this again as it was up when he last checked. Chris was not here to tell us if the park had more mulch added so Debbie will check on this. NEW BUSINESS: Weenie Roast will be Sunday Oct 3 at 5pm since Saturdays are so busy. We want more people to be able to come. Linda will get s’mores and condiments, Debbie wood and Erin hot dogs, buns and plates. Debbie will do the flier. The covenants committee met at Steve Goytias. Present was Debbie Turner, Steve Schultz, Rita Sproul, Dave Baron, and Steve Goytia. They compared 3 different subdivisions covenants and prepared a list of possible clarifications to give to the attorney to review. Again these were only some minor wording changes. They will meet again after hearing from the attorney and hope to have any changes made for voting at the annual meeting in Feb 2011. Linda asked the attorney to bill us quarterly from now on so the bill does not get so large. A motion was made by Erin to go into closed session and seconded by Dave and all others were in agreement. After discussion of covenant violations a motion was made by Erin to come out of closed session and seconded by Jim and all others agreed. A motion was then made by Erin to take legal action against the homeowner with the dog run and non- payment of dues for 6 years. This was seconded by Debbie and all others agreed. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:40pm by Erin and seconded by Dave and all others agreed.